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Special Nimos December souvenirs....

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She was swinging by the bangles in a main street store

A while before we met

The most dangerous angels that you ever saw

She spied her amulet


And she took a loop of leather for around her neck

And that was then the start

The most dangerous lady on her quarter deck

She found her Golden Heart

You found your Golden Heart


Then we swirled around each other and the thread was spun

to some Arcadian band

I would stop it from swinging like a pendulum

Just to hold time in my hand


And you shot me with a cannonball of history

And long forgotten art

I'd be turning it over as our words ran free

I'd hold your Golden Heart

I'd hold your Golden Heart


Nothing in the world prepared me for you, your heart, your heart

Nothing in the world that I love more your heart, your heart

Your Golden Heart


And every time I'm thinking of you from a distant shore

And all the time I sleep

I will have a reminder that my baby wore

A part of you to keep


And I'll send you all my promises across the sea

And while we are apart

I will carry the wonder that you gave to me

I'll wear your Golden Heart

I'll wear your Golden Heart


Nothing in the world prepared me for you, your heart, your heart

Nothing in the world that I love more your heart, your heart

Your Golden Heart

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Guest L'étrangère

Yaaa yemma, vos souvenirs cassent les oreilles.


Je préfère


Wa 'la Maass'ouda 'andha ibiza la fac mhawida wwayyyyy wannaya à pied, wannaya à pied


Lmini wel coupe carri welhoouwary mgari waaayyyy wannaya à pied


Je mettrai la suite..

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J'aime aussi Yel kaviya thelbti :mdr:


Yakhah....ORNI charaki tdiri belbwate ta3 la dibouche de Max? Yakhwadjy dakhla mssetra bach techtihi 3ala aghani el fousk wel fahicha?:mad:


Aya refdy sebatek wejelbabek...divant Max..aya di vo...:mad:


Non mais machi pachsikou suedoise ta3 kaghté dyalek daret rouh-haconveghté caghton wedatlek el pakistanais...machi mouchkil dyalna...hnat enzer3ou bata wekherchouf wendirou el fousk...wel fahicha wemouchtakatouha...alough lakou pakitanilkoum...welana fouskouna:mad:

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Guest L'étrangère

chkoun chret caniche, mess'ouda, tasshar fi la corniche, mess'ouda


nivia bil pomada, kahla ki drogba bessif twilli blonda, fi sac telqa el korda...



YYYYeeee Ya yemma 'la lfranci


Katrou 'lina el mass'oudet haddi rahet hadi djet

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